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Springhetti Dentistry Blog

Tooth Tally: How Many Wisdom Teeth Do I Have?

January 6, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 7:47 pm
X-ray of a jaw with 4 wisdom teeth highlighted red

If you’re a young adult between 17 and 25 years old and your jaw feels sore or achy, your wisdom teeth may be struggling to erupt. These molars are so notorious for causing problems when they grow that most dentists recommend extracting them before they become problematic.

However, some lucky people go their entire lives without experiencing wisdom tooth pain or issues. Continue reading to learn more about these late-arrivals and why you might not have to worry about them!


3 Really Good Reasons to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth

December 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 9:41 pm
Woman holding up her extracted wisdom tooth and smiling

They say ignorance and bliss, and after your dentist informed you that you would need a wisdom tooth extraction, maybe you started wondering whether that’s true. What you do know for sure is that you definitely don’t want to go to this appointment!

It might be hard to imagine, but after all your troublesome teeth are pulled, you’ll likely feel much better, and the future you will be thankful you preserved their oral health. Er, your oral health. Keep reading for three really good reasons you should have your wisdom teeth removed!


Dental Disappearance: How to Handle a Knocked-Out Tooth

November 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 6:04 pm
Nose-to-neck view of woman pulling lip aside to reveal missing tooth

Did you know that according to the American Association of Endodontists, more than five million children and adults have a tooth knocked out from an injury or accident? That means that even with proper preventative measures, like brushing and flossing twice daily and visiting your dentist every six months, it’s possible to lose a permanent tooth.

It’s natural to feel anxious, and you may even be in pain, which can cloud your judgment. If it’s your first dental emergency, you might not know who to call or what to do next. Continue reading to learn about three steps to take to safeguard your smile until you can reach your dentist’s office!


Why is My Toothache Worse at Night?

October 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 1:27 am

Sleepless woman sitting up in bedAccording to recent research, 12% of Americans have experienced a toothache in the past 6 months. Although toothaches are common, it’s not normal to have dental pain. It’s a symptom of an underlying problem, which may seem to worsen at night. You aren’t imagining things. Toothaches can intensify as you lay down to go to sleep. Here’s what causes your pain to increase and what you can do to manage it until you can see your emergency dentist.


Can I Drink Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction?

September 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 11:15 pm

Man popping the cap off a beer
Dentists strive to preserve every tooth because each one is influential in your dental health and overall wellness. However, extractions are best for some patients. If your dentist recommends tooth removal, you can expect a brief recovery. Your dentist will give you specific aftercare instructions, like not drinking alcohol. Even one alcoholic beverage can complicate your recovery. Here’s why it’s best to stick to drinking water.


4 Bite Problems Invisalign Can Fix

August 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 10:51 pm
person correcting bite problems with Invisalign

Invisalign offers a modern, discreet alternative to metal braces for straightening teeth and closing gaps. This innovative treatment not only enhances the appearance of your smile but also addresses various bite issues, contributing to better oral health. Continue reading to learn how Invisalign can effectively correct these four common bite problems as well as how it can help you achieve a healthier, more aligned smile.


What To Expect from Your First Month with Dentures

July 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 3:53 am
Dentures in a glass

When you first get your new dentures, there’s going to be a lot to get used to. Many of these things are going to be good: you’re going to be able to eat more foods than you could before, and you’re probably going to have a newfound confidence when interacting with others.

However, there are some other adjustments that you’re going to have to make when you first get your dentures. Some of these will be to your lifestyle, while others will be to the prosthetic itself. If you’re curious, here’s what the first month with dentures tends to look like.


Dig In! Summer Foods to Enjoy with Dental Implants

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 8:09 pm

For many people, summer is the best time for barbequing. The sunny days create the ideal conditions for gathering with friends, family, and neighbors around the grill in the backyard, but many traditional summer foods are hard to chew for people who have lost teeth or who wear traditional dental restorations like bridges or dentures. Thankfully, dental implants can handle all the foods that real teeth can. Here’s a brief list of foods you can look forward to after your implants have healed.


What Is the Recovery Process Like After a Root Canal?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 9:35 pm
Illustration of root canal

While many people get anxious at the thought of getting a root canal, the truth is that these treatments are completely painless while ending unbearable toothaches and saving teeth from extraction. Your dentist will use a local anesthetic treatment to ensure that you are comfortable through the procedure, and they may offer dental sedation services if you need a little help sitting calmly through the process. Here’s what you can expect while recovering from a root canal along with a few tips for staying comfortable during this period.


How to Ensure Your Dental Bonding Lasts

April 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 1:55 am

Happy man in dentist’s chairEveryone can have a flawless smile with the help of an excellent cosmetic dentist. There are more options than ever before to fix common aesthetic imperfections, but dental bonding continues to rank among the most popular treatments year after year. It offers a lot of bang for your buck because it can fix many issues quickly without costing you an arm or a leg. Dental bonding can give you a dazzling smile for 10 years or more before needing to be replaced. Here’s how to ensure your cosmetic bonding lasts for years.


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